He has been Director of Energy and Security and currently develops his work as Director of Port Logistics at the Valenciaport Foundation (Port of Valencia). He is responsible for the management and development of innovation projects through the coordination and direction of multidisciplinary technical and management teams, working in an international environment of innovative companies.
He has participated in innovation and research projects funded by the European Commission through programs such as Connecting Europe Facility – CEF and Horizon 2020 as well as in national innovation programs. His activity focuses on the implementation of Industry 4.0 and Smart Port solutions in port operations, including the improvement of processes along the logistics chain, automation of operations, standardization in information exchanges, etc.
He is currently Secretary General of the international association Terminal Industry Committee (TIC4.0), an entity that brings together global container terminal operators along with port machinery manufacturers and developers of digital solutions. TIC4.0 is an organization that aims at the operational and technological standardization of the port sector, with the purpose of integrating the innovation dimension in the companies of the sector at an international level.