Koen Mioulet

Director / Secretary

History and education:

Koen studied (mechanical) engineering and management at the Twente Technical University in Holland. After working for industries such as Ericsson and Nortel; he founded his own consultancy in 2006: UlWiMo, Ultimate Wireless Mobility. Through Ulwimo he concentrates on private wireless networks and indoor networks, with the associated spectrum matters. He publishes on these topics and presents internationally at seminars. With peers he founded in 2021 EUWENA; European Users of Wireless Enterprise Networks Association. EUWENA strives for spectrum availability and harmonization and eco system development for private wireless networks across Europe

Professional Experience :

Consultancy and projects in the niches of private wireless networks and enterprise mobile networks and technology. Market development and RFQ’s for large corporations such as Amsterdam airport or WTC’s and spectrum management. Project management for large private wireless implementations such as airport or university campus.

Present activities over last years :                

Market development for neutral host Cellnex. White papers on private wireless positioning for Cellnex and Edzcom. Presentations for OnGo alliance (USA), 5G-ACIA, RSPG and the like on enterprise wireless and spectrum matters. Alignment of international associations of private wireless users and establishment of pan European body EUWENA. Communication and secretariat for EUWENA as well as articulation of private wireless demand and options at events. Spectrum requirements representation for Amsterdam Airport and port of Rotterdam. Private wireless presentations at international events.